The "Solstício" collection is an artistic exploration of the inherent duality of the human experience, inspired by the constant interaction between opposites such as day and night, peace and conflict, joy and sorrow, light and darkness. This collection acknowledges that in the quest for balance and peace, we often discover dominant aspects within ourselves, revealing the complexity and depth of human emotions.
The pieces in this collection reflect the dynamic between these opposing states. Sometimes they coexist in harmony; other times, one predominates over the other. There are days when the light shines brightly, radiating joy and hope, while on others, melancholy and shadow may prevail, bringing a contemplative and reflective beauty.
In the universe of the Solstício collection, this interaction is not only an external metaphor but also an internal reality experienced within each individual. The pieces capture this essence, showing that although light and darkness can coexist, they often influence each other. And in moments where darkness seems overwhelming, the collection offers a comforting reminder: there will always be a spark of light to hold onto, a sign of hope and renewal.
This collection is a tribute to the complexity of human emotions and the beauty found in the interaction between light and darkness, reflecting the eternal journey towards understanding and accepting our truest selves.

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